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Why would I need a sinus lift before dental implantation?

There are many prerequisites for being a candidate for dental implants, one of which is having enough bone present in the jaw to provide adequate support for the implant. Not all patients have enough bone in their jaw for implant surgery, therefore they must undergo procedures such as bone grafting and sinus lifts. So how do you know if you will need a sinus lift before undergoing dental implantation? Learn more about the procedure here and consult with your dentist to see if you require any treatments prior to dental implantation.

What It's Used For

A sinus lift (also known as sinus augmentation) is surgery that adds bone to your upper jaw. It is performed when there is not enough bone present in the upper jaw, or if the sinuses are too close to the jaw for dental implant placement. The bone is added between your jaw and the maxillary sinuses, which are located on either side of your nose. In order to make room for the bone, the sinus membrane needs to be "lifted" or moved upward.

The Sinus Lift Treatment

Your surgeon will cut the gum tissue where your back teeth used to be in order to expose the bone. A small, oval window will then be opened in the bone. The membrane lining the sinus on the other side of the window is what separates your sinus from your jaw—the membrane is gently pushed up and away from the bone.

Granules of bone-graft material are then packed into the space where the sinus once resided. The amount of bone used will vary used will depend on each individual.

Once the bone is in place, your surgeon will stitch the tissue closed. After an adequate healing time (usually four to nine months) your implants will be placed. This healing period gives the grafted material time to fuse with your bone. The amount of healing time required depends on how much bone-graft material was used.

A sinus lift is usually performed by a specialist—either an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a periodontist. Consult with your implant dentist to see if a sinus lift is needed before dental implantation. If this is the case, he or she can refer you to the proper specialist.